College Literature – April 1, 2019

-Vocabulary — List #22

*Memorize the following stems as well as their definitions …

mollify = make soft
soliloquy = speech to oneself
adherent = supporter
caustic = burning
confluence = a flowing together
depose = topple from power
egomania = self-obsession
egregious = blatant
oligarchy = government by a few
gregarious = sociable

*There will be a quiz Friday over these stems and their definitions (20 pts.)

Superman, Star Wars, King Arthur, and Archetypes

*Watch these clips from Star Wars …

+Luke receives his father’s lightsaber
+Luke defeats the Death Star

*Watch these clips from Superman …

+Supeman learns his origin
+Superman saves Lois
+Superman serves Metropolis

*Complete this activity sheet: Luke Skywalker, Superman, King Arthur, and Archetypes

Related image

Image result for superman 1978 poster

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