Modern Fiction – October 30, 2018

BrainPop! Grammar: Active and Passive Voice

*Watch this video about active and passive voiceThe Mysteries Of Life – Active and Passive Voice

*Ready for the quiz?  Go for it!  (Due by midnight on Monday, November 5th)

+Click here to take the Active and Passive Voice Movie Quiz

*Did you ever take the Types of Sentences quiz? Take it here: Types of Sentences Movie Quiz

image of comic

-This Week’s Current Event

*Read the following article:  Not exercising worse for your health than smoking, diabetes and heart disease, study reveals

*Take the 10-point comprehension quiz over this article by Tuesday, October 30th.  Choose the appropriate link …

+5th Period Exercise Article Quiz

Image result for cnn power powerlifting not exercising article

-Vocabulary List #23

egocentric = self-centered
tangible = touchable
demagogue = corrupt politician
revoke = cancel
pugnacious = combative
diatribe = abusive criticism
anomaly = abnormality
loquacious = talkative
congenital = at birth
cacophony = bad noise

*Need extra practice? Click here: Vocabulary Practice List #23 – Tuesday, October 30, 2018

*There will be a quiz Friday over these stems and their definitions (20 pts.)

-Book Talks

*Student book talks will begin on Monday, October 29th

*Each student will present once for 10 points

*If absent, student will present the next day present

10-29 = Kota P
10-30 = Sierra W
10-31 = Jessica W
11-1 = Bradley S

*Book talk guidelines: Book Talk Guidelines

-Reading Time

*Spend 40 minutes reading during class

-Reading Log

*You can download a reading log here: Daily Reading Log

*Hard copies of the daily reading logs can be found on the table in front of my desk

Image result for reading is power

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